Participation ISO/PC 305 Sustainable Non-sewered Sanitation Systems

Senegal (ASN) and United States (ANSI)
- Australia (SA)
- Austria (ASI)
- Benin (ANM)
- Burkina Faso (ABNORM)
- Cameroon (ANOR)
- Canada (SCC)
- China (SAC)
- Côte d'Ivoire (CODINORM)
- Ethiopia (ESA)
- Finland (SFS)
- France (AFNOR)
- Gabon (AGANOR)
- Germany (DIN)
- Ghana (GSA)
- Haiti (BHN)
- India (BIS)
- Kenya (KEBS)
- Morocco (IMANOR)
- Namibia (NSI)
- Nepal (NBSM)
- Niger (DNPQM)
- Nigeria (SON)
- Republic of Korea (KATS)
- Rwanda (RSB)
- Singapore (ESG)
- South Africa (SABS)
- Switzerland (SNV)
- Thailand (TISI)
- The Democratic Republic of the Congo (OCC)
- Uganda (UNBS)
- United Kingdom (BSI)
- Zambia (ZABS)
- Bangladesh (BSTI)
- Brazil (ABNT)
- Czech Republic (UNMZ)
- Egypt (EOS)
- Italy (UNI)
- Japan (JISC)
- Mauritania (DNPQ)
- Netherlands (NEN)
- Portugal (IPQ)
- Saudi Arabia (SASO)
- Serbia (ISS)
- Spain (UNE)
- Zimbabwe (SAZ)
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