Download Standards

In order to download the standards, please be sure to sign in (if a returning user) or register (if a new user) to accept our End-User License Agreement.

You may ask your National Standards Body for access to these standards. Identify and contact your National Standards Body representative here. If you’re unable to get the standards from your National Standards Body, you may follow the instructions below and download at no cost. We do ask that there be only one download of each standard per agency, which can be shared internally after being downloaded by 1 user. Once downloaded, you may NOT share with stakeholders outside of your organization. Instead, they will need to download a copy of the standard(s) themselves.

Household Non-sewered Sanitation System Standard

ISO 30500 Standard

Non-sewered sanitation systems – Prefabricated integrated treatment units – General safety and performance requirements for design and testing

Community Scale Resource Oriented Sanitation Treatment Systems Standard

ISO 31800:2020

Faecal sludge treatment units - Energy independent, prefabricated, community-scale, resource recovery units - Safety and performance requirements

Fecal Sludge Management Standards

Activities related to drinking water and wastewater services

ISO 24521

Guidelines for the management of basic
on-site domestic wastewater services

ISO 24510

Activities relating to drinking water and wastewater
services – Guidelines for the assessment and
for the improvement of the service to users

ISO 24511

Guidelines for the management of wastewater utilities
and for the assessment of wastewater services